Personalized Cancer Report

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OncoTelligent would like to help you

In order to provide you a comprehensive and personalized cancer care report please provide following information as accurately as possible

Please describe your case in detail. Provide current and past medications including dose information. Please provide your family history. Please provide your daily routine. Please provide your weekly diet information, starting from Mon-Sun, morning-night. Please report any surgery or medical conditions. Please report if you smoke or drink alcohol etc. If possible provide your personal approach towards life and family background.
Please attach any relevant medical record related to your current stage/case. Feel free to take picture of report or scan to attach it.

Maximum filesize: 50 MB. Allowed extensions: JPEG.
If you have any blood/genomics/proteomics/enzyme lab report(s), please attach it here for comprehensive analysis and report generation. This will allow us to analyze your case more accurately.

Maximum filesize: 50 MB. Allowed extensions: doc, pdf, docx, JPEG, JPG, GIF, PNG.
Please provide all questions related to your present medical condition.
In order to receive a personalized cancer care report, I hereby authorize OncoTelligent team to utilize my clinical and confidential information to get the best option for me/my family member. I understand that my information will remain secure and will be utilized internally for research purposes so others can benefit from my experience.


Please show your support

Time is important when you know cancer is spreading, please help us build an automatic OncoTelligent support system which will provide you report in few minutes!

 Every donation will significantly contribute in saving multiple lives

Thanks a lot!

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