SHAPE someone’s Future

SHAPE someone’s Future

Help save our Kids from Cancer

Kids are our future. Oncotelligent wants to educate these kids about cancer and ways to prevent this. As we all know kids have their ways to learn, therefore we want to develop a kid-friendly books/reading materials abour cancer and prevention. Just imagine millions of people die due to the lack of information and we can change that right now. Oncotelligent can save most of these cancer victims by developing cancer prevention materials.

We need your support to protect our future generation.


Your contribution will SHAPE and SAVE someone's future

  • We will develop education materials with your help
  • Your help will save millions of lives
  • Your donation will be utilized to develop a new curriculum to educate about cancer prevention and health.
  • We have touched more than 3000 lives already, we need your help to save more lives.

School system doesn’t focus on educating kids about health issues and especially cancer. Prevention is the best cure for this vicious disease. Oncotelligent would like to work on this root cause which will save several lives. Oncotelligent wants to change that by developing educational materials which will be distributed in the schools.

Kids are our future, let's give them power of education

Millions of kids are exposed to carcinogens (cancer causing agents) everyday

  • Education is the biggest investment which we should be making for our kids
  • We are 100% dedicated to this cause
  • Let’s be a part of this revolution

We are working with Doctors and Scientists to prepare educational material

Oncotelligent is working with thought leaders to develop educational materials to distribute to thousands of schools in India and US.


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